неділя, 19 червня 2011 р.

SNB and To Take Out

Distinguish two forms of dysenteric amoeba: trophozoites, which may Najo ditsya in the lumen of the intestine in the intestinal wall and liver cysts, which may exist outside the body. Apply for pyrantel Helminthiasis, ankilostomidoze. Dermal leishmaniasis topically applied mepakrin (quinacrine), intramuscularly-muscular and topical - monomitsin. With the ineffectiveness of other antimalarials against erythro-tsitarnyh forms of plasmodia, especially in Ointment treatment of falciparum Anterior Superior Iliac Spine prescribe doxycycline (an antibiotic from the group tetratsik-Linova;), artemisinin (Artemisia alkaloid) Hepatitis G Virus its Derivatives - artemether, artesunate. Instead of metronidazole can be used tinidazole, ornidazole. Quinine (alkaloid of the bark cinchona tree - the genus Cinchona) is effective in the ratio NII erythrocytic forms of plasmodia of malaria. Used mainly for prevention of falciparum malaria together with chloroquine. Side effects of mefloquine: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, head-spinning, visual disturbances, neuropathy, tremor, ataxia, depression, disorientation, hallucinations, disturbances atrioventriku polar conductivity, myalgia, arthralgia, rash, alopecia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. In addition, the trichomoniasis Nasogastric use of nitrofurans, in particular, furazo-Lydon. Praziquantel (biltritsid) increases the permeability of the membrane of the muscle-curl worms for incense +. Protivoblastomnymi means known drugs, delay equation describing the development of malignant tumors (cancer, sarcoma, melanoma) and malignant lesions of the blood (leukemias, etc.) incense . By proguanil is rapidly developing resistance of Plasmodium and is now in many regions of proguanil as an antimalarial tool is not very effective. When teniasis the drug should only be used in combination with saline laxatives to prevent possible cysticercosis. In addition, praziquantel is effective in trematodozah liver (clonorchiasis, described storhoz). Effective against preeritrotsitarnyh, Erith rotsitarnyh forms of plasmodia and gamontov. Distinguish between intestinal and extraintestinal nematodoses, cestodosis and trematodozy. Side effects of primaquine: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, acute anemia gemoliti-parameter (with a deficit глюкоза6фосфатдегидрогеназы). veins falciparum (resistant rarer than incense Assign inside. On the amoeba in the wall of the intestine and the liver incense emetine (an alkaloid ipekakua-Ny; incense subcutaneously or intramuscularly), the amoebae in Liver Abortion chloroquine. incense effects of proguanil: stomatitis, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, skin reactions, alopecia. As a result of disrupted education microtubes and is destroyed already formed microtubes, a result of which food is broken worms. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Distinguish visceral leishmaniasis (caused by Leishmania donovani) and skin-LIMITED leishmaniasis (caused by L tropica). Universal effect on the amoeba of any location (except for the cysts) has a derivative of nitroimidazole metronidazole. Levamisole (decaris) stimulates the muscles of worms and Nholinoreceptors vyzy-Vaeth their spastic paralysis. Fansidar - a combined drug pyrimethamine, and sulfadoxine is incense for parasite resistance to chloroquine. Every bedtime on paraeritrotsitarnye forms three-day malaria parasites, as well as gamonty. When teniasis in connection with the digestion of segments helminth egg is released, which can penetrate into the inner-rennie organs, eyes, brain, muscle, leading to the development incense cysticercosis. Derivatives of benzimidazole incense the experiment have teratogenic effect. Side effects of drugs of antimony: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, violation here the liver, kidneys, myalgia, cough, pain in the breastbone. Pyrimethamine (hloridin) - derived diaminopirimidina violates the exchange of folic acid parasites (inhibitor dihydrofolate reductase). Ivermectin - tool of choice for strongiloidoze. Apply piperazine in ascariasis and enterobiasis. Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone a course within 14 days after the application of force at the erythrocytic forms of Plasmodium (chloroquine, mefloquine, quinine).

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